Company Information

We are the leading supplier of business information and can provide up-to-date business information on any registered company in the UK. With access to over 5 million UK companies and 1.6 million UK non-limited businesses.

We can provide you with:

10 year's detailed financial company analysis

Financial health ratings and company analysis

Detrimental data information

Alerts for company activity and changes

Director searches and shareholder structures to identify other commercial interests

Company trading information, net worth overview

dataTrace UK was founded in 1991 and provides comprehensive tracing and information services. In early 2022, dataTrace UK joined Broadriver Group, encompassing Controlaccount, identeco Business Support Toolkit, Sinclair Taylor, and identecoHR.


Address: Compass House, Waterside Hanbury Road, Bromsgrove, B60 4FD
Phone: 01527 386 626
© 2021 - 2024 Copyright dataTrace UK